
Pixinsight scripts by Thorsten Glebe

This repository will provide Pixinsight scripts for astronomical image processing. Use at your own risk.

Feel free to visit my astrophoto gallery on Astrobin.

Repository setup

The scripts will be provided in a dedicated subfolder (TG Scripts) of the Pixinsights SCRIPTS menu.

Pixinsight SCRIPT menu with TG Scripts subfolder

In order to add this repository to the Pixinsight update system, go to ‘Manage Repositories’ in the RESOURCES -> Updates menu

'Manage Repositories' menu in Pixinsight

and add the following URL:

Then run an update of Pixinsight system via the ‘Check for Updates’ menu item.

'Check for Updates' menu in Pixinsight

Contained Pixinsight Scripts

This repository contains both new scripts written by me and existing scripts which I have reworked. Details on the scripts or the modifications w.r.t. the original versions are explained in the Pixinsight script documentation provided along with the scripts

New Pixinsight Scripts

Modified Pixinsight Scripts